Our Story
Va Pensiero, some of you as classical music enthusiasts will know is a song by the great Giuseppe Verdi. Crudely translated it means to go and think, but the true meaning for me is to think and more importantly to believe in the future. This site welcomes you to a new and innovative way to supplement your already awesome karate skills by breaking down the blue print of karate into scientific and medical concepts backed up by over 100 years of tradition and experimentation to conform to what we know today as a WKF format. Even if you are not a competitor these concepts will be a valuable and interesting alternate angle to take a look at your karate in new exciting way. We will supply you a video resource allowing you to see how you can apply these concepts that we cover. Depending on what package you select you will also be able to send videos to me personally in order to get feedback and advice on your execution and understanding of the concepts. Later on we also hope to expand this venture to the world taking you on an inside trip to some of the highest level karate competitions in the world and being able to ask some of the stars of the sport questions. This will be a dojo but not in the traditional sense that the place of practice is physical. The place will be virtual keeping up with the rhythm of the 21st century whilst learning from the past to give you the best karate in the most accessible way you can imagine. It will be up to you as to much VPD forms a part of your karate life but at the very least it is an excellent supplement to inspire you to look and create inside your art form in exciting new ways.

Michael Du Plessis
Michael Du Plessis is a karate practitioner competing in the upper echelons of the WKF world being in the senior national team for South Africa since 2014 and is the only South African to win consecutive Africa championships in 2014 and 2015. Michael is a Goju-Ryu based practitioner having achieved his SAN-DAN in this discipline. He is also a physiotherapy student at the University of Western Cape and generally uses his medical background to prove and expand on theories that makeup the blueprint of karate. Michael is also an aspiring karate 2020 athlete